Have an illegal relationship or get married, a student surprised by the threat of friend

A nursing student has accused a friend of Delhi of defaming and blackmailing her by taking objectionable photos. It is alleged that on the call of a friend, she went to a prayer meeting in the religious place. Many photos were taken there. Defames him by putting him on Facebook. Threatens to marry or have an illegal relationship. The student has appealed to the court for legal action against the police for not taking action after the incident in August.

The victim lives in Ghaziabad. She is studying nursing from a nursing college in Delhi. According to the complaint in the court, in June 2017, Saheli's brother was married to the accused in Delhi. He has been troubling ever since. He made many photographs after making friendship. Blackmailing photos threatening to go viral. On August 21, near the Pratapvihar Gangajal plant on the way to the college, the accused forcibly stopped her and started to drag her away. He escaped due to protest and noise. He has sought action against the accused in the court for not taking action by the police.

Introduced in wedding ceremony in Delhi

The woman says that she met the accused young man at a wedding ceremony in Delhi. She went to Delhi in June 2017 at the wedding of her friend's brother. After that meeting, the accused began to befriend her. It is alleged that he once called a religious place in Delhi to join him in prayer.

Viral on Facebook by taking objectionable photo

The student alleged that the accused took several photographs from mobile with her in the religious place. It also has some objectionable photos. Threatens to make those photos viral on social sites of her and acquaintances. It is bringing disrepute by making objectionable photos on Facebook of relatives viral.

Be a wife or threat to have an illegal relationship

It is alleged that the accused youth, on the protest against making her photo viral, says that either stay married like a wife or have an illegal relationship? He also asks the applicant to get the marriage papers made. So she is scared.

Quit going to college after the incident

The student was going to college on 21 August 2019 via Pratapvihar. It is alleged that the accused stopped him near Gangajal plant in Pratapvihar. After molestation, assault, he forcibly took her along. She kept protesting. Seeing the arrival of many people making noise, the accused fled for fear of being caught. Since the incident, the victim has left college for fear of something untoward.

Police did not take any action

The victim's lawyer said that after the incident, the incident was reported to the concerned police station. The victim was sent to the women's police station. The woman's police station also did not act on the complaint of the applicant. A complaint letter was then given to the SSP seeking legal action against the accused. But there was no action from there. The petitioner then filed an application in the court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate-8 seeking legal action against the accused.
