Priyanka Chopra will be in Delhi after marriage in Jodhpur, reception party may join PM Modi
Mumbai: Bollywood's Desi Girl Priyanka Chopra is going to Royal Wedding in Mangalore with Junking Monkey Nick Jones. The details of Priyanka's marriage are revealed, according to which the celebration will start from November 30. After the marriage on December 1, the new couple will be given a reception party in Delhi, which may include PM Narendra Modi. Let us know whether the PM will attend this party or not has not been disclosed yet. According to sources, Priyanka Chopra has specially placed the Delhi reception party for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In this party, many more celebrities and politicians are being judged besides PM. Let's say that a lot of Priyanka Chopra's relatives are staying around Delhi. Keeping this in view, the Delhi location has been finalized. On this day, Mehdi of Nick's name in the hands of Priyanka Chopra Recently Priyanka Chopra had arrived in Delhi with her family and fiancé. Priyanka and Nick celebrate Thanksgiving with their famili...