10 best practices, for high score in GK in NDA and CDS exam

There are two ways to become an officer in the Indian Armed Forces. The first way is to compete in the NDA and CDS examinations and the other way is - Direct Entry. In the first option, you have to compete with many candidates. In the second option, you can be present directly in the SSB interview. With both options you can become an officer in Armed Forces. If you want to become an officer through competition, then you have to attend the NDA and CDS exam. NDA exams are for those candidates who have recently passed 10 + 2 examinations and are under 19.5 years of age. While those candidates who are under graduate and under the age of 24 may be present in the CDS exam. Both examinations are held twice a year by the UPSC for admission to Indian Military Academy, Air Force Academy and Indian Naval Academy. The questions of General Knowledge are asked in both examinations. Because GK's syllabus is very wide, therefore candidates have problems in preparing this. It is also true that GK c...