All universities will celebrate 'Military Force Flag Day' on December 7, UGC issued instructions

In the direction issued to all the universities of the country, the UGC has said that all the universities celebrate the Balance Flag Day, expressing gratitude to the soldiers of the country's soldiers. Terrorism sacrificed while fighting the infiltration of the young country's security. Even in the event of natural calamities, the young front handle it, in such a situation it becomes very important to remember their sacrifice.

In the direction issued to all the universities of the country, the UGC has said that all the universities celebrate the Military Force Flag Day while expressing gratitude to the soldiers of the country's soldiers. Terrorism sacrificed while fighting the infiltration of the young country's security. Even in the event of natural calamities, the young front handle it, in such a situation it becomes very important to remember their sacrifice.

Creating awareness towards sacrifice
On 7th December, the college / university has also been asked to organize and organize the event. That is why awareness about the sacrifice of soldiers among the students is born. Explain that the Indian Military Force Flag Day is celebrated on December 7 every year from 1949 till today. This day is celebrated to express respect for the soldiers of water, land and air force, all the three armies of the three.

This is an opportunity which reminds us that there is responsibility for the retired senior army officers, family members of martyrs, their widows and children, and soldiers who suffered physical and mental losses in the service of the country.


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